Thursday, August 28, 2008


huhuhuhu...smlm dok glak sakan ngan shery...kat opis staf len g die lpak tmpt aku n ape lg berkaraoke lgu rya le...hiihihhihihihi...dr pg smpi ptg dok glak kusangka2 upanye..
mlm td nsibku amat mlng skali...wawawawawaawawa...tnggu bas rapid dr kul 7 smpi kul 8.30 x smpi2..hampeh tul...dah ar glap x de bus stop bile ngadu kat owg je sabar2 tu je jwpn yg aku trime dr start msuk smpi skg...huuhuhuhuhhuuh...last2 aku g jln blik kat shell dpn opis ni n call a sulong ku suh ambk...mgkin die dah nk blik keje time ni....nk tunggu lme x snggup dah tksi lak sume full...huhuhuwaaaaaaaa....9 lbih bru la abg ku smpi...huhuhuhuhu.....blik2 trus g mydin beli brg opis .....nk ambk troli dah abis x psai2 guard tu kene mrah ngan aku pdan muka hahahahha...aku suh die bgtau bos suh bli troli lain bnyk ckit....dah ar smpit kaunternyeee....beli punye bli brg opis aku main tibai je ambk sume yg pling murah...wawawwawa jgn kene komplen dah ar nnti....blik umah blum smpt mand aku dah tdo lu....wawaawawwawa.....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

my_TwiN lah my twin hahahahaha....
sme takk...die comey ckittt dr aku..
dulu aku 1 sekolah ngan die ni kat teknik temerloh...
name die faizah...hehehehehe
smpi skrg die bnyk bg tlg aku n kdg2 bg mcm2 petua..
wawawaawawawa..hrap2 raya nnti dpt jmpe laa...

so Sad

i'm feeling so sad today dont't know la nape....huhuhu....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


gmbr rini tau,,,hihihi...mlm td x g mane2 tdo jeeee

ni pg td smpt g posing lu...hihihihi...ngade kan.......

have a nice day.....

baby esya ank buah ky...alya ank mak aku jaga....dan aku yg comey..


uiksss lmbt nye g nk tnggu kul 7 ni...kpale cam dah nk poning ni....huhuhuhu lapornye
mkn laksa je tau rini....huhu npe la kdai ni jauh sgt dah ar aku mlas nk msk2 ni.............
blik nti aku nk mkn bnyk2 hahahaha mcm teringin nk mkn sadin je lme lak x mkn sadin
ni..tom yam pun ok gak....bhun sup lg la ok.huhuhu...laporr...mntk2 kpale aku x skit mlm
ni peyot da O ni....huwaaaaaa.......

haNya 1 peRsingGaHaN

Hanya Satu Persinggahan

Di sini kasih pernah berbunga
Tiada harum tiada warna
Disini cinta pernah membara
Tanpa bahang dan tanpa apinya
Begini yang ku rasa
Hidup kita berdua
Disini langin mendung selalu
Tiada cahaya menyinari ku
Disini aku tiada terdaya
Mengikut kata tanpa bicara
Kerana engkau tahu
Aku tidak sepadan dengan mu
Hubungan kita suatu persinggahan
Bukan pengabdian yang rela
Pemergianku oh kerana terpaksa
Demi hidup yang lebih sempurna
Anggaplah kehadiran ku
Hanya satu persinggahan
Aku tidak menjanjikan
Mahligai impian
Sebagaimana kau harapkan
Biarlah jauh dari pandangan
Daripada dekat penuh siksa
Biar berduka biar melara
Dari sengketa sepanjang masa
Janganlah engkau harap
Ku menghambakan diri


copy by Dr Azura hihihi

Here's How:
Stay Focused: Sometimes it’s tempting to bring up past seemingly related conflicts when dealing with current ones. Unfortunately, this often clouds the issue and makes finding mutual understanding and a solution to the current issue less likely, and makes the whole discussion more taxing and even confusing. Try not to bring up past hurts or other topics. Stay focused on the present, your feelings, understanding one another and finding a solution.

Listen Carefully: People often think they’re listening, but are really thinking about what they’re going to say next when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways. While it might be difficult, try really listening to what your partner is saying. Don’t interrupt. Don’t get defensive. Just hear them and reflect back what they’re saying so they know you’ve heard. Then you’ll understand them better and they’ll be more willing to listen to you.

Try To See Their Point of View: In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood. We talk a lot about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way. Ironically, if we all do this all the time, there’s little focus on the other person’s point of view, and nobody feels understood. Try to really see the other side, and then you can better explain yours. (If you don't 'get it', ask more questions until you do.) Others will more likely be willing to listen if they feel heard.

Respond to Criticism with Empathy: When someone comes at you with criticism, it’s easy to feel that they’re wrong, and get defensive. While criticism is hard to hear, and often exaggerated or colored by the other person’s emotions, it’s important to listen for the other person’s pain and respond with empathy for their feelings. Also, look for what’s true in what they’re saying; that can be valuable information for you.

Own What’s Yours: Realize that personal responsibility is a strength, not a weakness. Effective communication involves admitting when you’re wrong. If you both share some responsibility in a conflict (which is usually the case), look for and admit to what’s yours. It diffuses the situation, sets a good example, and shows maturity. It also often inspires the other person to respond in kind, leading you both closer to mutual understanding and a solution.

Use “I” Messages: Rather than saying things like, “You really messed up here,” begin statements with “I”, and make them about yourself and your feelings, like, “I feel frustrated when this happens.” It’s less accusatory, sparks less defensiveness, and helps the other person understand your point of view rather than feeling attacked.

Look for Compromise Instead of trying to ‘win’ the argument, look for solutions that meet everybody’s needs. Either through compromise, or a new solution that gives you both what you want most, this focus is much more effective than one person getting what they want at the other’s expense. Healthy communication involves finding a resolution that both sides can be happy with.

Take a Time-Out: Sometimes tempers get heated and it’s just too difficult to continue a discussion without it becoming an argument or a fight. If you feel yourself or your partner starting to get too angry to be constructive, or showing some destructive communication patterns, it’s okay to take a break from the discussion until you both cool off. Sometimes good communication means knowing when to take a break.

Don’t Give Up: While taking a break from the discussion is sometimes a good idea, always come back to it. If you both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect, and a willingness to see the other’s point of view or at least find a solution, you can make progress toward the goal of a resolution to the conflict. Unless it’s time to give up on the relationship, don’t give up on communication.

Ask For Help If You Need It: If one or both of you has trouble staying respectful during conflict, or if you’ve tried resolving conflict with your partner on your own and the situation just doesn’t seem to be improving, you might benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. Couples counseling or family therapy can provide help with altercations and teach skills to resolve future conflict. If your partner doesn’t want to go, you can still often benefit from going alone.
aku suka baca bnda ni.....saje2 share ngan korg...

Monday, August 11, 2008


boring la nak wat pe ek?huhuhuhu...sedih de mcm2 la....aku pling x suka tul la time2 snyi2 camni...huhuhuhu....nk wat pe ek???dr dtg keje td keje aku dok online jek smbil dok lyn lgu2 lama...hahahaha....aduhhhhh....boringnyeeeee


Artist: Qiara
Hanya pada mu
Ku serahkan segalanya
Kau bertakhta di nurani
Anggun cinta mu abadiHanya pada mu
Pertama dan yang terakhir
Pohon cinta ku merendang
Disirami kasih suci
Jiwa ku dipalu gemersik tak terkira
Hampir ku terlena dalam belaian mu
Cinta mu selembut sutera menjadi saksi kasih ku
Tiada dua hanyalah satu kau yang ku cintai
Sekelumit cinta sekurun kerinduan
Ku rempuhi ranjau duka
Membara sehangat api
Terhapus sepi di hati ku
Seulas bibir mu kelu tidak berkata
Namun ada sesuatu
Nurbisa dari mata mu
Terpancar cinta yang sejati
Awan yang berarak saujana membiru
Cerahlah wajah mu di rimba sendu ku
Menjadi hamparan cinta suci
sedih ar ptg ni tu yg dok lyan lgu lame2 ni...ingt member2 ar...huhuhu

sAlaM uNtuK kekasiH

Artist: Nadia

Di sebalik kalbu
Yang semakin layu
Terbenam rasa rindu
Terkunci suara hati
Tiada siapa tahu
Dimanakah kasih
Tak seperti dulu
Kata kau sayangkan ku
Benarkah itu
Walau kehadiranku hanyalah sementara
Bukan salahmu sayang kira kau jatuh cinta
Akan ku pergi jauh takkan kembali
Salam maaf permisiKu undur diriKini ku bersara
Dengan langkah baru
Menyisi luka ini
Kekasih... sekeras aku
Terhiris kerna kamu
Ku tinggalkan cinta
Kisah yang berlalu
Kisah kenangan kita
Hanya kau tahu
Walau kehadiranmu bagaikan menghiasi
Bukan caraku sayang harap engkau mengerti
Pemergianku ini tak ku relai
Salam maaf permisiKu undur diri

huhuhuhuhu suka tul lagu ni....

Sunday, August 10, 2008


eisya pengadil...hihihi

nk tau x klakor nye cte aku x pnah main boling ari tu g la try main ngan sepupu2 ku n abg ipar...baru aku sdr aku ni terlampau kcik smpi x lrat angkat bola boling tu....huwaaaaaaaa............

malu beb...bola 8 kilo tu pun skit tgn aku....last2 spupu aku kenekn aku g mntk bola yg tuk skolah rndah tu....7 kilo...punyela glak awek yg jge kaunter tu and technician.........die.....................

wawawawawwa.....malu gile....nsib aku wat tak tau je....last2 depa yg main aku nye turn bg perabis.....adk gak jmpe bdk ikt tp aku x knl junior aku...die ckp knl aku....hehehehehheheh..........
si eiya ank buah aku sbuk nk main boling tu tngk la pic yg ade ni hhihihihihi.....................................

pasni confirm aku x mau main dah.....ngan dieorg...huuuuwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


ni fana member ku yg cun tauuuu....

aku n yani time grooming mmg best p'ceramah ni....

aiiii...nk cte ckit ni psal member time blaja kat unitar lu ...kat sna x de member sgt sbb x dduk umah sewa ngan kengkawan....sbbnye ku malas nk membosankn diri....aku dah la berangin ckit....jab g member x ngam sush...hahahhahaha....

actually time aku msuk mmg x rmai fren coz swasta kn so dieorg wat hal msing2 orientasi pun tarak truk besa2 jela....time tu kwn aku fana,syida,adi,epol, kteorg klu g clas je jnji la tnggu kat brothers bistro tu mkn saparan roti canai...teh ais...aku dah msti yg 1st smpi so tlg oder tuk yg lain....mmg best la abiskn duit...tut tut..tut dah bis 1 sem...result besa2 je g............

next sem ni mmber aku pun dah kurg beb si syida ni da berhnti blaja lak...x tau pe mslh...huhuhu...tnggl ku n fana je...still together2....ape pun hdup msti diteruskan la....mcm besa g blik clas kdng2 mkn kat giant....assignment mmg aku wat ngan fana,yani,poji la members yg mmg ttp...klu lain clas tu de la join ngan awin,sheila ade la aku pun x ingat sgt la....

actually wpun unitar ni swasta tp aku mmg selesa blaja kat cni...lecturer die best leh ngadu bile2 jer...lg2 lect yg aku besa Puan Dewi,Pn Fatimah,En Maizudin,En aziz....rmaila yg aku ingt ni pun sbb lec ni ajr utk 2 subjet n subjet nye sntiasa excelent la dpt hahahahha....

tut...tut...dah nk bis blaja dah so huhuhu...terpikir keje pe la aku leh dpt nnti...takut,happy smua ade...result last pun ok la dpt la gak dean list...hehhehe ats usaha aku ngan fana n yani gk ni.........

kteorg mmg ade mod rjin mmg gmpk la wat time tnggu letter konvo je ni bln 11...g kot dulu dah la kat ikt x g ngah exam 1st time kat unitar ni aku hrp dpt sgt smbung g n still jmpa kwn2 ku ni....good luck my u muah muah muah......


sebelum g opis arini

nothing special today actually my second salary....ha pg td aku bngun awl tau...msk ikn goreng,syur kubis and sambal tempoyakkk waaallaa mnyak sdap oooo...g opis .....huhuhuhuhu....view ikt web aku tngk wah da rmai join....mcm besa arini g n blik keje.....opis nk pindah serdang x tau aku pun x leh nk rncg ape2 g....yg pntg nk ambk lesen wpun takut.....n next year nk ambk degreee x kiraaaaa........

surat knvo yani my friends kay unitar dah tolong...tau x dia duk k jaya ....dtg ambk phostat ic kat aku....huhuhuhu thanks a lot yani....tu pun sbb kteorg de la dpt dean list hahahahahah.....x sabo rase...

wunk arini dh lme x dgr brite die upanye kat die dah add blog aku kat die nye blog....heheheh mintk2 la pasni glamor ckit blog ni....wawawawwawawa......

ok la aku pun x de ape nk have a nice day...da da da....salam...